The Abortion Pill Reversal is a medical regimen that if taken in the right time frame can actually reverse the effects of the abortion pills. If you took the first abortion pill and regret it, there is a chance to stop it. Keep reading to learn more.
what medications are in the abortion pill?
The first abortion pill has a medication called Mifepristone, which cuts off the growth hormone progesterone to the pregnancy. The second pill, Misoprostol, is what opens your cervix, contracts the uterus, and expels the pregnancy.
What medication reverses the abortion pill?
It’s not a medication at all, actually. The regimen you’ll receive is simply a very large dose of progesterone, the body’s natural hormone to continue pregnancy. Progesterone helps get your endometrium ready to accept a fertilized egg and grow to keep a pregnancy growing. Progesterone also keeps you from ovulating and also keeps your uterus from contracting; which helps stop pre-term labor.
when can an abortion be reversed?
The best time to start the regimen is within 24 hours of taking the first abortion pill. This is a very time-sensitive process, so don’t wait if you take the first abortion pill and then regret it. That being said, there have been successful reversals after 72 hours. Remember, once the second pill is taken, the process cannot be reversed, even if it was under 72 hours.
how successful is the abortion pill reversal process?
Data shows that if done within the appropriate timeframe, there is a roughly 64% success rate.
how much will it cost me?
The cost of the abortion pill reversal varies, but our registered nurses will walk you through avenues to access that regimen from more cost-effective organizations to fit your budget.
where can i get the apr pills?
If you’re looking to reverse your abortion, call us immediately. We work with licensed medical doctors in the Brookings area who are ready to prescribe the progesterone.
We believe that every woman has the right to an educated decision about the outcome of her accidental pregnancy and all of her options. If you’re considering reversing your medication abortion, we’re here for that option, too.