There are specific things you must know before you take the abortion pill. Questions like:

  1. How far along am I in my pregnancy?
  2. Is my pregnancy located in my uterus?
  3. Is there any indication I am going to miscarry?
  4. Are there any medications I’m taking that would make the abortion pill less effective?
  5. Am I a candidate for the abortion pill with my health history?
  6. Do I have any undiagnosed STIs?

These are all questions you need to have the answers to in order to keep yourself safe during an at home abortion. Failing to do so could have undesirable outcomes. Keep reading below to learn why you need these answers and more.

How far along am i?

This question can really only be answered specifically by an ultrasound. 50% of women don’t accurately recall the first day of their last period. It matters because the abortion pill is only FDA approved up to 10 weeks. Taking the pills past that date increases your risks for complications.

Is my pregnancy in my uterus?

Unfortunately, not every fertilized egg implants in the uterus. About 1 in every 90 pregnancies end up implanting somewhere else (usually, the fallopian tubes) and become ectopic. An ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency and must be removed with medication, surgery, or a laparoscopic procedure immediately to protect the health and safety of the mother. Taking the abortion pill with an ectopic pregnancy isn’t effective treatment and will put you at continued risk.

An ultrasound will show if the pregnancy is in the uterus or somewhere else more dangerous.

Am I going to Miscarry?

Unfortunately, there is no way to look into the future to know for sure what the future days hold,. But, before you spend money on the abortion pill (average of $500) it’s wise to ensure your pregnancy hasn’t already stopped growing and you’ll naturally miscarry on your own. An ultrasound will measure your pregnancy and be able to see fetal movement and development.

Are my medications going to keep the abortion pill from working properly?

This is a question that is critical to know. Some medications can interfere with the efficacy of the abortion pills. During your appointment with us, our registered nurses will talk with you about the medications you take to make sure the abortion pill is going to work how it should.

Does my health history make me a good candidate for the abortion pill?

Do you have diabetes, a blood clotting disorder, anemia, or high blood pressure? These are just some of the underlying health conditions that they Mayo Clinic says don’t make you a good candidate for the abortion pill. At your pre-abortion screening, our registered nurses will do a thorough health history and make sure you aren’t at higher risk for complications.

Do I have an STI?

50% of STI’s don’t have symptoms. Having an undiagnosed STI and opening the cervix for an abortion increases your risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. If your pregnancy test comes back positive and you’re thinking about abortion, our nurse will run a Gonorrhea and Chlamydia test for you at no cost to make sure you’re infection free.

Get the answers you deserve

If you’re thinking about taking and ordering the online abortion pill, you need a pre-abortion screening to get answers to these questions and much more. It’s a big decision and a legit medical procedure that should be taken seriously to protect your health and safety long term. Tap here anytime to schedule your confidential, zero-cost pre-abortion screening with us.